Over the years we have endeavoured to maintain the Messenger’s ethos of including businesses and services that have been recommended by previous customers. And thank you to all of you who we have spoken to and who have helped us to do this. We still encourage readers to feedback on the services featured in the directory and we will pass this back to the advertiser concerned. Nine times out of ten this is positive, but if we did get lots of readers complaining about a particular service we do reserve the right to take them out of the directory - thankfully this has only ever happened on a handful of occasions.
Our main aim has always been to provide readers with a handy, interesting and useful publication and to encourage them to use local businesses. I firmly believe that even in this age of changing technology there is still a place for a quality printed local directory.
When we first launched we only distributed to one thousand homes, today it’s over 14,500 and our fantastic distribution team reliably deliver the Messengers through local doors every month.